Wholesale ONLY
Closed to the general public
Palm Trees & Cycads
We are wholesale growers of cold hardy and tropical palm trees and cycads. Our field grown palms are dug to order. The roots are balled & burlapped, then stretch wrapped to reduce stress and preserve moisture.
Customers can pick up their order themselves or make their own shipping arrangements. We can also schedule transportation on flat bed semis, with local drivers.
Owned and operated by Walter Winters, Adams Gardens Wholesale Nursery is located in Harlingen, Texas, the most southern area of the state. The Rio Grande Valley has a subtropical climate ideal for plant growth and soil rich in nutrients.
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Contact US
PHONE: Please call ahead to schedule a visit.
(956) 793 - 0978
Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM
14300 Levens Way
Harlingen, TX 78552
27552 McLelland Dr.
Harlingen, TX 78552